Brad Timm is a wildlife ecologist who has conducted wildlife research in the northeastern U.S. for 20 years. He is the Founder & Executive Director of the Northeast Wildlife Team, an organization focused on educating the public about wildlife of the Northeast and actions they can take to help wildlife around them. Brad has M.S. & Ph.D. degrees in Wildlife Conservation from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and a B.S. degree in Wildlife Biology from the University of Rhode Island.
Wildlife Out Your Window is an entertaining and informative guide include fascinating facts about 100 common wildlife species of the Northeastern U.S. In addition to learning about these animals, readers learn simple ways to attract a diverse array of wildlife to your backyard or neighborhood. Also included are checklists to keep track of the animals you see each month, and fun wildlife-related activities you can enjoy alone or with others.
This event is free to attend, but registration is required. Copies of Wildlife Out Your Window will be available for purchase.