Beyond Connection - Boulder Webinar

Beyond Connection - Boulder Webinar

Dive into a journey of self-discovery, exploring the depths of relationships for personal fulfillment and self-understanding.

By DREAM Solutions

Select date and time

Monday, March 31 · 6 - 7:30pm MDT



Online Boulder, CO 80302

About this event

This event is tailor-made for those who savor genuine connections, place high value on trust and personal recognition, and find satisfaction in creating meaningful relationships. If you're also someone who seeks acknowledgement, has confidence in your unique strengths, and is driven by a vibrant mix of inspiration and aspiration, you've come to the right place!

At the core of this journey lies a principle known as DRIVE. Simply put, DRIVE is a conceptual compass that points us towards our innate motivations, helping us understand how these motivations influence our decisions, interactions, and individual paths in life.

During the event, we'll lightly brush upon the surface of the DRIVE concept and invite you to:

  • Engage in thought-provoking dialogue which seeks to raise your awareness of the underlying motivations influencing your personal and professional journey.
  • Listen to personal testimonials and stories that beautifully illuminate the significance of awareness of our unique strengths and how they shape our life experiences.
  • Connect with like-minded individuals through engaging and interactive questions that will have you reflecting on your motivations, pushing the boundaries of introspection.
  • Hear firsthand experiences of how understanding their motivators has guided others on their path to personal and professional fulfillment.

This event serves as a window to the comprehensive world of DRIVE, offering a glimmer of the transformation possible with a greater understanding of your core motivations. As an introduction, this event simply kick-starts your journey, planting the seeds of self-exploration and discovery. It celebrates the unique blend of characteristics that define each individual, sparking the flame for the pursuit of personal growth.

Join us as we dig into the roots of our motivations, understand the essence of our emotions and actions, and how they guide us through life. Come, be a part of this enlightening conversation, coast on the wave of words, stories, and new-found revelations. After all, understanding oneself opens the door to a world of potential. Let's step in together!

Frequently asked questions

What is DRIVE?

DRIVE is a comprehensive system that identifies your core motivations and how they influence your actions.

Why do I need to fill out an assessment?

We have a tailored, specific conversation planned for this event. The assessment (and the free 57 page, personalized report you will receive) serve to set the stage for you and prepare you ahead of time for the topics and conversations in store.

Do I need to read my DRIVE report before the event?

It is HIGHLY recommended. I promise you will find tremendous value and insight in doing so, and it will really give you a better footing for the conversations of our event.

Can I bring a friend?

If you know someone you want to bring with you, have them register on the EventBrite page so that they can get their own assessment link. If there are no more seats available for sign up, send me an email. I might be able to squeeze them in.

Where is this event?

This is a zoom webinar. Upon completion of your order, further instructions for attendance will be included in your eventbrite confirmation email.

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