• Ages 18+

UPC is testing the burn with its BATTLE FOR THE BAG POETRY COMPETITION, at Shapeshifter Lab at 837 UNION ST, in Brooklyn, NY. 18 +

By Universal Poets' Club

Date and time

Friday, May 16 · 7 - 10pm EDT.


ShapeShifter Lab

837 Union Street Brooklyn, NY 11215


6:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Clipboard sign-in for Poets signing up at the venue.

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Open Mic Begins

Host TBA

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours
  • Ages 18+
  • No venue parking

The first of 3 Battles for the Bag awarding 2 champion poets (1 male, 1 female) with $500 each and a "Battle for the Bag" Champion Sweatshirt. Join us at the Shapeshifter Lab in Brooklyn, NY, USA at 837 Union Street on Battle Day- May 16, 2025 for an unforgettable evening of passion through poetry and lyricism.

Frequently asked questions

Is accessibility available?

Yes. Entrance and relief facilities are accessibility compliant.

Is smoking allowed inside the performance venue?

No. Smoking is not allowed inside the performance venue. Also, smoking outside the venue must be at least 25 feet from the venue's entrance.

Can I bring my own alcohol to use at the performance venue?

No. The performance venue has a bar and cafe available if visitors and performers wish to acquire alcoholic beverages and cafe items. Absolutely NO DRUGS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING SMOKING CANNABIS will be allowed on Shapeshifter Lab premises.

What public transportation is available for getting to 837 Union Street in Brooklyn, NY.

For best results, by public transportation: Take the R-Train to Union St.& 4th Ave, walk up the hill on Union St. to 837 between 6th & 7th Ave. Approx.4 minute walk. Or take B-67 BUS to Union St. & 7th Ave. and walk down the hill approx. 30 seconds to 837 Union Street.

Can I bring a firearm?

ABSOLUTELY NO FIREARMS or WEAPONS will be permitted on Shapeshifter Lab premises INSIDE or OUTSIDE.

What about political poetry?

While we understand the current political climate is concerning, to say the least, we ask that all our attendees, including poets, respect the climate of unity over politics, and for each of us to do our part to keep poetry events, wherever they embrace us, a safe place for community.

Will winners be paid in cash?

No. Unfortunately, while we cannot issue a Certified Check or Cash (for security reasons), and because we cannot know the payee (winner) in advance, "Battle for the Bag" winners will receive a Chase Bank Money Order.

"When is the deadline to confirm" your entry in the competition?

Thank you for this question. "Battle for the Bag" One is only the first of three battles scheduled in 2025. Reservation for a chance to compete in "Battle for the Bag" One will close when 10 women, and 10 men have confirmed to compete. "Battle for the Bag" Two will post after Battle One has ended.

How will we know when the deadline closes?

Attendees will be notified via

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