Balance Dance Center presents Herstory, a celebration of the strength, resiliency, and determination of our daughters, our mothers, and our grandmothers. The performance is a testament to the legacy of the women who came before us, and the hope in the promise and rise of the next generation of women to come.The Balance Dance Company seeks to express and explore the universal human condition through movement, while spreading the love of dance throughout the community.Our young dancers ranging in age from pre-teens to teens are ambassadors of love, dance, and artistic expression. Inclusivity, diversity, and respect for one another are some of our most important guiding principles. Come join us as we explore the beauty andstrength of female wisdom.
About Balance Dance Center:
Located in Exton, Pennsylvania, Balance Dance Center is born out of the concept that dance should not be an esoteric art form meant only for the very talented and the very young. BDC seeks to nurture not only young aspiring dancers but also to make dance accessible to anyone who has an interest in exploring the possibilities of self-expression through movement. Through dance education, BDC inspires a new generation of dancers while raising community awareness of the value of dance expression through performance.