All Ideas Pitch Contest- Roger Williams University
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All Ideas Pitch Contest- Roger Williams University

Fast-paced, fun community events that help early-stage entrepreneurs gain valuable exposure and feedback on a business idea.

By EforAll Rhode Island

Date and time

Wednesday, March 19 · 4 - 6pm EDT


Roger Williams University

1 Old Ferry Road Bristol, RI 02809

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Learn more about Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) here:

This registration is to attend the event as an audience member. It’s free to apply and free to attend as an audience member, light snacks provided.

DID YOU WANT TO PITCH? Click HERE and go to 'Apply to Pitch' button

Have a business or non-profit idea? Apply, get selected, and you’ll have 2 1/2 minutes to pitch your idea to a panel of judges (a la Shark Tank). Our pitch contests are a great place to present your idea, and receive valuable feedback from industry-expert judges. You might even win prize money to assist with startup! 1st place – $1,000. 2nd place – $750. 3rd place – $500. Fan Favorite – $500. Ideas in all stages are welcome.

Pitch contests are fun to watch! We invite the public to be a part of this exciting and interactive event. The audience chooses the fan favorite $500 winner. RSVP here now to attend!

Parking and Event Location

Join us in the University Library for the event! Please see the attached map for parking lot and event location information. Visitors will need to get a parking pass from the Main Gate and park in Lot 1.

Organized by

Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) is a nonprofit organization that partners with communities nationwide to help under-represented individuals successfully start and grow a business through intensive business training, mentorship and an extended professional support network. To date, EforAll alumni have launched over 1,100 businesses. In 2021 alone, its businesses provided 1,734 local jobs and generated over $54M in revenue, despite the pandemic. Programs are available in both English and Spanish. EforAll current locations include Buffalo, NY; Longmont, Colo.; Northwest Arkansas, Rhode Island; and the following Massachusetts communities: Berkshire County, Cape Cod, Fall River/New Bedford, Worcester, Holyoke, Merrimack Valley, Lynn, and Roxbury. To learn more about EforAll, please visit