On March 13, 2025, at 6 PM WAT, we're uniting the entire African Salesforce ecosystem under one vibrant voice! Join us for an inspiring evening themed:
"From Vision to Reality: Building a Brighter Future with Salesforce in Africa."
This event will feature insights from incredible guest speakers, including:
Amit Choudhary, Robin MacKeller, Daryl Moon, Heather Black, Faisal Muhammad, Ursula Fear, Bradley Rice, Rebecca Aicholzer, and David Massey.
We're honored to have visionary leader Jennifer Ndlovu and other community trailblazers setting the stage for this historic launch.
If you're an African passionate about innovation and growth within the Salesforce ecosystem, you won't want to miss this transformative event. Let’s unite, share our vision, and drive change across the continent!