Welcome to the Affordable Child Care Forum!
This forum is Virtual, and you will be sent the webinar link closer to the event via email and text message.
For information call Elaine Tomlin at 267-496-5662 or email: ncnwphilajustice@gmail.com
Our 2nd Virtual Quality Affordable Childcare Forum is an online event is designed to bring together parents, caregivers, child care providers, and law makers to discuss solutions for affordable child care. The panel will be in discussion talk about the Childcare Crisis and how to make Quality Affordable Childcare a line item in the Federal, State, and City budgets. Join us for insightful discussions, helpful tips, and valuable resources. Whether you're looking for affordable child care options or interested in advocating for change, this forum is for you. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with others who share your passion for accessible child care. Register now and be part of the conversation!
Our guest panelists:
- State Representative Napoleon Nelson 154 Legislative District
- Councilman Jim Harrity Philadlphia Council at Large
- Kimberly Early- Senior Director of Public Policy and Advocacy , Pennsylvania Association for the Education of Young Children (PennAEYC)
- Tyrone Scott-Director of Government and External Affairs, First Up
This forum is Virtual, and you will be sent the webinar link closer to the event via email and text message.
For information call Elaine Tomlin at 267-496-5662 or email: ncnwphilajustice@gmail.com