Advanced diving techniques includenitrox diving, drift diving, wreck diving, and navigation...
Nitrox diving
- Also known as Enriched Air Nitrox (EANx) diving, this technique uses a breathing gas with a higher oxygen content than standard air.
Drift diving
- A way to see a lot of scenery with minimal effort and air. Some describe it as thrilling and Zen.
Wreck diving
- The exploration of the wreckage of ships, aircraft, and other artificial structures.
- Involves learning how to use a compass and natural navigation techniques to safely navigate underwater.
Buoyancy control
- The ability to maintain a desired position in the water column, neither sinking nor floating uncontrollably.
Buddy checks
- An essential scuba diving technique that involves checking your BCD, weights, releases, air, and final okay with your buddy.
The 120 rule
- A rule that experienced divers use to stay inside the no-stop times. The rule states that your bottom time plus your depth in feet should remain lower than 120.
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