7th annual “Casting Lures for Cures” tournament

7th annual “Casting Lures for Cures” tournament

7th annual Casting lures for cures fishing tournament to be held 04/12/25 ,all proceeds going to the National pediatric cancer foundation.

By Clayton Keene

Date and time

Saturday, April 12 · 5am - 4pm EDT


Camp Mack Drive

Camp Mack Drive Lake Wales, FL 33898 United States

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


6:00 AM


2:00 PM

Weigh in

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Live entertainment riverfront stage

Corey Grreenway

Corey Greenway will perform live from 11am-1pm on the riverfront stage

2:00 PM

Raffles 50/50

We will have lots of fantastic raffle items available at the riverfront stage on display all day and will do the raffles directly after weigh in

About this event

  • Event lasts 11 hours

7th annual " Casting Lures Fir Cures " fishing tournament will be held 04/12/2025 at the camp Mack resort. This tournament is to raise awareness and support of pediatric cancer with proceeds going directly to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation. There will be guaranteed payouts of $1000 1st , $500 2nd , $250 3rd and big bass. It will be $80 per team of two or can fish solo with big bass included . We will also have live entertainment at the riverfront stagefront stage , raffles ,50/50 throughout the day .

Frequently asked questions

What are the rules

5 fish limit artificial bait only. Will launch at safe light with a 2:00pm weigh in. Will launch at the camp Mack resort

What are the boundaries

Will fish the entire Kissimmee chain from the locks at hwy 60 to lake Toho.

Can I fish solo

Yes can fish solo or with a partner two people max per team

Will permits be pulled


What are the age limits

Threre is no age limit to fish just ask that if youth are paired up they have a valid boater safety course

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