26th Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference at NU
Join the conference showcasing research from undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and early-career chemists
Date and time
Saturday, April 19 · 8:30am - 7pm EDT
240 Raytheon Amphitheatre - Egan Research Center
120 Forsyth Street Boston, MA 02115Refund Policy
No Refunds
About this event
Organized by
The Northeastern Section of the ACS (NESACS) is a large section – nearly 6500 members, according to National ACS. On average, about one hundred members attend monthly section meetings. These meetings usually take place somewhere in the Boston area on the second Thursday of each month between September and May. In addition, the section has a vibrant Younger Chemists Committee (see www.nsycc.org), a very active medicinal chemistry sub-group, award-winning Public Relations Committee, and our Women Chemists Committee which oversee a wide range of additional activities. All of this happens, not through the will or efforts of the current Chair, but through the continued goodwill of our active membership, a very talented, hardworking and vibrant group of individuals representing a wide range of interests and backgrounds in the Boston area chemical sciences community. We are truly blessed as a section in which so many give so freely of their time, skills, and interests in service to the Section in many different capacities!