21st Annual Atlanta Black College Expo™

Get ready for the 21st Annual Atlanta Black College Expo, where you can explore top HBCUs, meet inspiring black professionals, Get accepted!

By National College Resources Foundation

Date and time

Saturday, March 22 · 10am - 3pm EDT


Cobb Galleria Centre

Two Galleria Parkway Atlanta, GA 30339 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Join us for the 21st Annual Atlanta Black College Expo™! Saturday March 22nd at the Cobb Galleria Centre 10-3pm is the Expo. Come meet with colleges, including HBCUs. Students and College Transfer Students bring plenty of copies of your Transcript to Get Accepted on The Spot! Attend informative seminars on Financial Aid and Scholarships. HOW to START a BUSINESS! The 411 for the Student Athlete, REAL TALK…. College vs High School. Whether you're a High School Student or a COLLEGE Transfer Student, or an underclassman, this expo is for the whole family. Even if you are an Adult Learner looking for opportunities, you can find it at the Black College Expo. For questions email us info@ncrfoundation.org.

Get ACCEPTED on the Spot! Over 5 Million in Scholarships! Seminars & More!

Follow @blackcollegeexpo on FACEBOOK, Instagram, TikTok and X or visit our website www.blackcollegeexpo.com. Please think about donating any amount to our nonprofit NCRF/BCE. This helps keeps us going to continue helping students connect to college, careers & beyond!

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Organized by

National College Resources Foundation (NCRF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational enhancement organization that has been providing free resources and services to students and families for 25 years. Our mission is to curtail the high school dropout rate and increase degree and/or certificate enrollment among underserved, underrepresented, at risk, low resource, homeless and foster students. Our vision is to close the gap in educational achievement, workforce, and economic disparities with the goal to end racism and racial inequality. We provide free services to students and families, which includes holistic, comprehensive intervention, mentoring, tutoring, college and career planning, and assisting student athletes. We focus on (3) pillar areas-Achievement Gap, Workforce Gap, and Economic Disparities. We have helped over 500,000 students get into college and have helped students secure over 1 billion dollars in scholarships. Join us in creating more Leaders, Innovators, Entrepreneurs and Game Changers.  NCRF connects students to college, careers & beyond!