2025 WVFMA Annual Conference

2025 WVFMA Annual Conference

This conference

By West Virginia Floodplain Management Association

Date and time

June 11 · 8am - June 13 · 12pm EDT


Canaan Valley Resort State Park

230 Main Lodge Road Davis, WV 26260

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 days 4 hours

We are pleased to announce that our Annual WVFMA conference –will be held June 11-13, 2025, at Canaan Valley Resort in Davis, WV. This conference promises to be informative and stimulating. Topics will include the CRS program, floodplain permitting, WV Flood Tool updates, mitigation planning, and more!

Overnight reservations at Canaan Valley Resort State Park can be made by calling the resort at 304-866-4121. The WVFMA has a block of rooms reserved so be sure to mention you are attending the WVFMA Conference. (Please note that the standard Per Diem room rate approved for the conference is $107.00 per day, which covers a Queen room, a King room, a Queen Balcony room and a King Balcony room. If a conference attendee requires an additional room, a room larger than the four room types listed above or a cabin, the conference attendee shall be responsible for all costs above the $107.00 daily Per Diem room rate for each day’s stay.) Check in is available on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 . Registration for each attendee includes breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks and lodging (however you will need to reserve your room individually.) Please note that all guests who are not registered for the conference shall be responsible for payment of their respective breakfasts, lunches, and snacks during the duration of the conference. If an attendee requires has any dietary restrictions or requirements, please contact Kelly Banton at kelly.banton@greenbriercounty.net so that the WVFMA can make the necessary arrangements or accommodations with Canaan Valley Resort.

Booking Link: https://www.canaanresort.com/book-now?pid=23382

Group ID Code: 1051K3

The early registration fee is $225 through April 15th and will include a chance to win a paid trip to the 2025 Association of State Floodplain Managers Inc. (ASFPM) Convention in New Orleans, LA (May 18-22, 2025) Winner will be chosed at random and will be offered by the State NFIP office not the association. Registration by the 15th of April is required if you would like your name to be placed in the giveaway. The winner will be chosen at random from those who have registered by the 15th and is being offered by the state not the association.

  • Starting April 16th, the registration fee will be $325. DEADLINE TO REGISTER is June 1, 2025.

Last minute registration up to the day of the conference $425.00 (includes morning and afternoon snacks, but does not include breakfast, lunch, or lodging) *Must pay with a check, will not bill*

While the conference has historically attracted mainly floodplain managers and administrators, meeting content can also be of great interest to other community officials, planners, engineers, surveyors and insurance agents.

Conference Sponsors (deadline is May 1, 2025)

$1,000.00 includes a ten-foot table/booth space to promote your product/company; one full conference registration (Value $225.00); lodging for the 3-day conference (you have to book yourself); breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks for the 3-day conference; your company logo and précis in the conference program; and presentation time during the conference agenda to explain what your company offers. (15-30 minutes)

$750.00 includes a ten-foot table/booth space to promote your product/program; breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks for the 3-day conference; your company logo and précis in the conference program; One full conference registration (Value $225.00). Does not include lodging.

$400.00 – includes one full conference registration (Value $225); breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks for the 3-day conference; your company logo and précis in the conference program. Does not include lodging.

Organized by

The West Virginia Floodplain Management Association is an organization dedicated to mitigating the losses, costs and human suffering caused by flooding, and promoting the protection and natural beneficial functions of floodplains.

$225 – $1,000