2025 Wisconsin Airports Seminar

2025 Wisconsin Airports Seminar

Hosted by the WisDOT's Bureau of Aeronautics (BOA), this seminar is designed for airport managers and other Wisconsin airport stakeholders.

By Wisconsin Department of Transportation


Holiday Inn Stevens Point - Convention Center

1001 Amber Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54482 United States

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 day 5 hours

The new Wisconsin Airports Seminar combines the BOA’s annual Airport Operations and Land Use Seminar with the BOA’s annual Airport Engineers Workshop to create one all-encompassing airports event. The event will begin the morning of April 8th and conclude with lunch on April 9th.

Who Should Attend

The Wisconsin Airports Seminar is specifically designed for airport professionals including airport owners and managers, airport committee or commission members, airport consultants and engineers, county board members, city council members, planning and zoning professionals, or any other Wisconsin airport stakeholders. If you have a hand in managing or planning a Wisconsin airport, this seminar is for YOU!

Seminar Content

There’s no better platform than the Wisconsin Airports Seminar for interacting with BOA staff, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials, airport consultants, and other airport managers all in one place. As always, we aim to provide airport professionals with the information and tools needed to take on the day’s challenges. Additionally, Professional Development Hours will be available for Professional Engineers.

In addition to numerous BOA speakers, this year we plan to welcome speakers from the Federal Aviation Administration, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Wisconsin Airport Management Association, US Department of Agriculture Fish and Wildlife Services, and Wisconsin Air Medical Council.

Once available, the draft agenda can be found here: https://wisconsindot.gov/avtraining.

Registration and Lodging

The registration fee for the seminar is $80.00 per person. The registration fee includes a hot breakfast, lunch, and seminar materials for both days.

The registration deadline is Tuesday, April 1, 2025. No refunds will be given after this date.

The seminar will be held at the Holiday Inn and Convention Center in Stevens Point. The hotel is holding a block of rooms for attendees. The standard room rate is $98.00, plus tax. Please contact the hotel at 715-344-0200 by Saturday, March 8, 2025 to reserve a room. When making the reservation, please state you are with the Wisconsin DOT Airports Seminar in order to be provided the group rate. Lodging and reservations are the responsibility of the individual participant, and the rate cannot be extended past the March 8th deadline.

Organized by

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) was officially established in 1967 by combining formerly independent agencies and the Department of Motor Vehicles (which included the State Highway Commission, State Aeronautics Commission and State Patrol).

WisDOT supports all forms of transportation. The department is responsible for planning, building and maintaining Wisconsin's network of state highways and Interstate highway system. The department shares the costs of building and operating county and local transportation systems - from highways to public transit and other modes. WisDOT plans, promotes and financially supports statewide air, rail and water transportation, as well as bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

The department works closely with other state, federal and local agencies to meet changing and growing travel needs. Transportation impacts everyone and WisDOT is committed to providing the safest, most efficient and highest quality transportation services to best serve the needs of the state, its citizens and many visitors.