2025 Rattlesnake, Porcupine and Skunk Avoidance Training for Dogs Workshop

2025 Rattlesnake, Porcupine and Skunk Avoidance Training for Dogs Workshop

2025 Boise Rattlesnake/Porcupine/Skunk Avoidance Training for Dogs Workshops

By Idaho Chukar Foundation Inc.

Date and time

May 31 · 9am - June 7 · 2am MDT


Ag Pavilion, Julia Davis Park

700 South Capitol Boulevard Boise, ID 83702 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Saturday, May 31st & Saturday, June 7th Workshops

Training sessions for 2025 will take place between 9am to 2pm on Saturday, May 31st & Saturday, June 7th, 2025.

The Workshops are held at the Ag Pavilion at Boise's Julia Davis Park. Experienced dog handlers (eTrainers) will work with your dog one-on-one and focus on your dog's reaction and body language to a snake, porcupine or skunk. The avoidance behavior is taught by putting a remote-controlled electronic collar on the dog. When the dog's attention is on the snake, porcupine or skunk, an unpleasant low stimulation is applied to the dog. The stimulation is similar to static electricity. The session takes about 30 minutes depending on the dog, though most dogs learn the avoidance behavior quickly. Each training session has a "seperate" per training Fee.

There is a Fee for the avoidance training. Please note that NO refunds are available.

You will be "emailed" an Appointment Confirmation (and Time) with additional Event information within 24 hours. A digital map of the Workshop's location in Boise's Julia Davis Park will also be provided.

NOTE: A dog can be registered for ONLY TWO training session rattlesnake, porcupine or skunk per workshop date.We strongly suggest, "if possible", to seperate different training sessions between the two Workshop Dates. Veterinarian behavioral canine science has indicated that more than two training session within the same day or week is too much stimulation for one dog.

FREE Trap Removal Clinic Open to the Public

The Idaho Trappers Association will be hosting a FREE clinic at the Workshops on how to remove a dog from various traps. The only way to learn these methods is by a "hands-on demonstration" while being instructed by professional trappers.

Frequently asked questions

How long does the avoidance training take?

The training estimated time is 30-45 minutes. However, you should allow yourself 30 minutes ahead of your "Appointment Time" (which will be mailed to you within 24 hrs. of your Registration) for "parking" and checking in at the Registration Desk. The Park is extremely busy at this time of year.

Is the training foolproof?

No! However, the reputable science underlining the training has been "extremely effective" and this is our 27th year of holding the Workshops. The only "foolproof" method is to keep your dog on a short leash all the time while camping, walking or hiking in nature.

Is there a way to validate the avoidance training protocol?

We suggest that you contact your Vet's Office or the Idaho Humane Society about the training. Explore the Internet on the training protocol. Also, ask around to other dog owners if they'd attending an avoidance training workshop with their dogs and what has been their experience after the training.

What does the Registration Fee(s) cover?

Naturally, the avoidance training by a "qualified" eTrainer. Additionally, for each training session you "Register" for (Rattlesnake, Porcupine, Skunk) you will receive a "Dog Owners Reference Guide" that provides you with the training protocol and a great deal of additional useful information.

Any additional questions/concerns?

Please feel free to call or email us at: 208-608-0833; idahochukarfoundation@hotmail.com

Organized by

"My vision of the upland bird hunting community is one where we do not boast or judge, but where we support wildlife and wild lands conservation. One where we judge ourselves, not by what we know but by what we do, not by what we take but by what we leave behind." Drew Wahlin, President & Founder