2025 National Air Toxics Conference (NATC)
Presented by the USEPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)
Date and time
The Westin Denver Downtown
1672 Lawrence Street Denver, CO 80202About this event
- Event lasts 4 hours
Event Overview
Air toxics risk assessment and communication continues to evolve over the years, and important emerging issues have been identified that require strong partnerships across federal, state, local, and tribal air toxics professionals.
The NATC provides an in-person forum for USEPA and partners to share experiences and information with air toxics professionals across federal, state, local, and tribal regulatory organizations.
Registration Information
Registration has been extended and is free-of-charge for all presenters, panelists, and attendees! Please RSVP no later than March 24, 2025. Note: A max capacity of 350 attendees has been allotted for this event. Registration may close prior to the March date if capacity is reached.
When registering, please use your work email, not a personal email address.
Update: Registration for Tuesday (April 15, 2025) trainings is now full. If you would like to be placed on the waitlist, please email, Nanishka (Nan) Albaladejo, at nalbaladejo@scainc.com.
Conference at a Glance
- Dates: April 15-17, 2025
- Trainings: April 15, 2025, from 1 PM - 5 PM (MDT)
- Technical Presentations & Discussions: April 16-17, 2025, from 9 AM – 5 PM (MDT)
- Location: The Westin Denver Downtown, 1672 Lawrence St., Denver, CO 80202
Draft Agenda (as of March 19, 2025)
Please check back for presenter details which will be added at a later date.
Day 1: Tuesday, April 15, 2025
*Note: These trainings are a series. Participants interested in attending Fundamentals of Exposure Assessment (Session 1) should also plan on attending Calculating Risk Results (Session 2), and vice versa.
Day 2: Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Day 3: Thursday, April 17, 2025
Hotel Accommodations
A block of rooms has been set aside, at the prevailing government per diem rate, at The Westin Denver Downtown. To reserve a room, please visit: Booking Website
Cut-off Date Extended: March 24, 2025 [Note: The hotel is reaching maximum capacity over reserved dates. If you need a room, please make your reservation by March 24th. Reservations made after 3/24/2025 will be accepted on a space and rate availability.]
Travel Information
Nearest Airport: Denver International Airport (DEN)(Distance from Hotel: 27.2 Miles)
Hotel Parking: $54 per night (in and out privileges)
Self-Parking: Tabor Center Garage
Ground Transportation Options at DEN
- Taxi: Estimated fare from the DEN to The Westin hotel is $60-70 one-way.
- Train: Union Station (Distance From Hotel: 1mi) Note: Fare from DEN to Union Station is $10 one-way. Please visit https://www.rtd-denver.com/fares-passes/fares for more information.
Food and beverages will not be provided at this conference. There will be complimentary tea & coffee breaks on April 16 & 17 and a daily break for attendees to leave the premises for lunch. There are many restaurants and cafes within walking distance of the hotel and food to purchase inside the hotel as well.
For more information about local eateries, events and things to do in Denver, please visit Denver.org.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the upcoming 2025 NATC, need help registering or require any special accommodations, please email, Nanishka (Nan) Albaladejo, at nalbaladejo@scainc.com