2025 Let's Talk... Immigration policies

2025 Let's Talk... Immigration policies

Join us online on Wednesday, April 16 from 6:30-7:30pm


Date and time

Wednesday, April 16 · 4:30 - 5:30pm PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Join GoAEYC's Equity Committee for a Vital Discussion on Immigration Policies

GoAEYC's Equity Committee invites you to a dynamic Zoom discussion on Immigration Policies. This is an opportunity for educators to share best practices, exchange ideas, and connect with like-minded professionals who are passionate about equity in education.

This open discussion encourages active participation, and we kindly ask that you keep your video on to foster engagement. A certificate of attendance will be available, but please note that you will need to self-report your time to Gateways, as this is a one-hour event.

📅 Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
💻 Where: Via Zoom
💲 Cost: FREE!

For questions, feel free to reach out to us at goaeyc@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Organized by

Who are we?

     GoAEYC is an acronym for Golden corridor Association for the Education of Young Children. We are people like you who care about the education of young children in Illinois. GoAEYC members work to make a difference for young children, learn more about early childhood education and development, and meet others who share their passion for improving care in Illinois. Our service area is all of Lake County and most of the Northwest Suburbs of Cook County. Our board and membership reflects Illinois' diversity with representation from cultural and ethnic backgrounds; a full range of early care and education professions, as well as parents, advocates, and individuals concerned with quality education for Illinois' children. Our board members are volunteers who are leaders in early childhood education from early childhood programs, early childhood policy making groups and higher education for early childhood education. As a Non-for Profit affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), we connect members with the national professional development network. Members of GoAEYC receive discounts on conference and other event registration. Please go to our website: www.goaeyc.org for more about us and membership information. 

 What we do

     We are committed to offering early educators access to quality trainings and improving the network of leaders doing this important work. We offer several events throughout the year such as: Winter Workshops, Spring Symposium, Annual Wheels on the Bus tour, Back to School Workshop and our Annual Fall Conference. We support members who are looking to further their own education with scholarships. We encourage early childhood professionals to become more involved in public policy and advocate for the rights of families, children and early childhood educators. 
