2025 Double Blessing SOVMOY Fundraiser

2025 Double Blessing SOVMOY Fundraiser

Complete 50 miles and donate $100 between 1-30 APR. You can run, walk, treadmill, elliptical, rower, cycle. Goal is to complete 1.7 miles

By Deondre Long

Select date and time

March 19 · 11pm - March 20 · 10pm PDT



About this event

Your goal is to complete 1.7 miles a day. As soon as you reach your 50 miles, you can donate at your leisure no later than 30 APR.

"Double Blessing" 50 miles = $100

Your donation goes towards the CSM Long Annual Scholarships awarded in July of every year.

Frequently asked questions

How to donate once complete

: Cashapp - DeondreLong37 and Zelle - sgmlong@yahoo.com

Organized by

"CEO" of Supporting Our Veterans and Mentoring Our Youth (SOVMOY) Est.2020

Active Duty Service Member: Command Sergeant Major(CSM)