2025 Colorado Native Plant Master: Grand Mesa
Going fast

2025 Colorado Native Plant Master: Grand Mesa

Field-based classes that teach 40-50 plants of the Grand Mesa

By CSU Extension TRA, Hort. & Natural Resources
Lots of repeat customers 📈

Date and time

Thursday, June 26 · 9am - 1pm MDT


Grand Mesa

Forest Rd 118 Cedaredge, CO 81413


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

June 26, 2025 - First Session

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

July 10, 2025 - Second Session

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

July 17, 2025 - Third Session

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Rain Date - July 24, 2025

Good to know


  • 4 hours
  • In person

What is your Refund Policy?

A full refund, less a $15 processing fee, will be given if notification is given to CSU Tri-River Area Extension 30 days prior to the course date. If notification is given between 2-4 weeks prior weeks prior - 50% refund. Cancellation less than two weeks prior - no refund.

How do I receive the Native Plant Master Certification?

To become certified, a NPM participant must take three different courses held in three different life zones and pass three exams with a grade of "C" or higher.

About this event

The Native Plant Master® (NPM) Program is an award winning, non‐credit, educational program offered by various county Extension offices through Colorado State University Extension.

Native Plant Master Course Themes

Each Native Plant Master (NPM) course is made up of three sessions held three successive weeks.

Sessions will cover -

Botanical characteristics of plant families and species, identification using a botanical key, scientific names, and stewardship of native plants

Ecological relationships including non-native species, noxious weeds, and relationships with wildlife, pollinators, other plants, etc.

Human uses, including use of natives for sustainable landscaping, ethnobotanical and other human uses.

Course Content: We will introduce you to 40-50 plants, using family features and a botanical key to help identify species. Ecological relationships, human connections and the potential to use some of these plants in your landscaping will be discussed. In addition, we will emphasize understanding noxious alien plants and the challenge they present to our native environment.

Prerequisite: A basic botany class is suggested for those who would like to refresh their botanical knowledge and is highly recommended for those who have minimal background. Registrants will have access to a recorded botany class.

Native Plant Master: Participants must attend all three classes for course completion. Participants who pass three NPM courses will receive a Native Plant Master Certificate. This 12 hour class fulfills 1/3 of the 36-hour coursework requirement towards certification as a Native Plant Master. Courses should be taken in different months and/or vegetation zones. Learn more here.

Required Materials: Flora of Colorado by Jennifer Ackerfield 2nd edition (2022 or 2024) is required for this class. Mesa County Extension office has copies of the book for sale. The book is also available through the Colorado Native Plant Society bookstore (https://conps.org/conps-store), local and online retail outlets, and the publisher (800-621-2736). Please be sure to buy the newest edition. All class participants must bring Flora of Colorado to each class session.

Book rental: You can rent Flora of Colorado, 2nd Edition, through CSU Tri-River Area Extension for the duration of a course. (Book is returned at the last session.) The fee is $15 per course. Please contact 970-244-1834 if you are interested in renting a book.

Materials provided to enrolled participants:

(1) Native Plant Manual for taking notes which you will receive at your first class.
(2) 10X-magnification hand lens.

Additional recommended materials to bring to each class:
(1) Flora of Colorado, 2nd Edition (must have for class)
(2) Pencil, highlighter, or page flags
(3) Water and snacks
(4) Warm clothing, sunscreen, insect repellant, rain/wind protection, and good hiking shoes

When/Where to Meet: Details to follow.

Special Instructions: Courses may require strenuous walking for extended periods on steep inclines for two or more miles on wet, rough, and/or slippery footing during windy, cold, hot, rainy, or snowy days. Courses include risks, hazards and dangers that are inherent to natural areas. Please bring appropriate clothing, equipment, footwear, etc. so that you will be comfortable in a variety of weather and trail conditions. Pit toilets are available at the parking area.

Accessibility: If you need anything in order to participate in this program, please contact Jeff Pieper (jeff.pieper@colostate.edu or 970-244-1834) at least 14 business days prior to the start of the first class.

Colorado State University Extension is an equal opportunity provider. Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing reasonable accommodations. CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension ensures meaningful access and equal opportunities to participate to individuals whose first language is not English.

Colorado State University Extension es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Colorado State University no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad y se compromete a proporcionar adaptaciones razonables. Office of Engagement and Extension de CSU garantiza acceso significativo e igualdad de oportunidades para participar a las personas quienes su primer idioma no es el inglés.


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