12/OC: This Ain't Nashville Tour

12/OC: This Ain't Nashville Tour

  • Premier Concerts and Manic Presents:

with Annie Brobst, Jason Ingriselli

By Space Ballroom

Date and time

Starts on Sunday, April 13 · 8pm EDT.


Space Ballroom

295 Treadwell Street Hamden, CT 06514



  • 12/OC

More Performers

  • Annie Brobst

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

General Admission Standing Room Only


The country band 12/OC was born in their family kitchen in Portland Maine, when brothers Will and Reid were both still just kids. Country music was always playing in their household and making music together was simply put, the way of life. The band started to find its groove at open mic nights throughout the region, which became the foundation to turning this family pastime into a family career. As their popularity has grown so has their versatility; their wide range of music has helped increase their fan base across the country making them one of the fastest growing country music acts in New England. Having the most requested song on Maine’s #1 Country Music station for 16 straight weeks, as well as adding a hand full of New England Music Awards, 12/OC isn't slowing down anytime soon.

Links: Official Website | Facebook | Instagram | Spotify


Links: Official Website | Facebook | Instagram | Spotify


Links: Official Website | Facebook | Instagram | Spotify

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