Targeting the right audience for your events is a science. Take music fans as an example: The audience for a punk concert can differ from the audience for an opera festival from the audience for a metal bash. And a Billie Eilish fan may or may not be interested in Paramore. 

Every event marketing plan is built around the audience segmentation. The people you want to attend your events are the people you’re targeting with everything from your email campaigns to your contests.

So how do you crack the code on who to target to sell more tickets to your events? 

Developing a strong targeting strategy is a challenge for most event organizers. You need to add interests that help Facebook find potential attendees eager to check out your event. To do this, you need to understand how your audience is described in Facebook’s terms. And if you’ve spent any time in Ads Manager, you know decoding those terms is rarely easy and often changing.

When you run ads on social media with our marketing platform, you have millions of potential attendees at your fingertips. No wonder creators who used Eventbrite’s marketings tools saw 2.5x more listing views*.

Our new Smart Audiences tool brings the targeting science to you. Now you can add Smart Audiences to any ad you run. Powered by Eventbrite’s exclusive data, Smart Audiences makes it easy to find new attendees, connect with them through your social advertising, and sell out your events. 

See how Smart Audiences can help supercharge your targeting.

Target smarter with exclusive Eventbrite insights

People in Smart Audiences are more likely to register for your events. Smart Audiences use exclusive Eventbrite data to match you with the right people for your events. Having helped organizers host millions of events, we know what type of events people attend. Smart Audiences is composed of proven event attendees, with traits common to your event attendees. 

Build a bigger audience

When you add Smart Audiences to your ad campaign, you’re reaching new people — attendees who aren’t in your existing audience but should be. These people aren’t on your email list. They don’t follow you on social media (yet). Our new Smart Audience tool makes it easier for you to find new fans

Run more effective marketing campaigns 

Smart Audiences and Paid Social Ads are a perfect match. Eventbrite’s Paid Social Ads give creators a simple, automated way to generate ad campaigns for events. All it takes is one click for you to show that next loyal attendee your ad.

Smart Audiences bring Eventbrite data to the event organizers who can leverage it. Unleash your targeting power with Eventbrite’s marketing tools today.  

 *Eventbrite data 5/1/2022 – 12/1/2022 comparing events promoted with Eventbrite’s marketing tools with any event that was not promoted with the same tool.