Event planners are a resourceful bunch. After all, you never know when you’ll have to put out fires, deal with event day emergencies, or survive a fast-paced day that barely affords you a second to breathe.

That means that your handbag, backpack, or briefcase always needs to be stocked in case of such emergencies. Knowing that you have all your go-to supplies on hand can keep you sane and may even save your event.

You know you’re an event planner if you keep these essentials in your bag.

1. Makeup remover wipes

You never know when your mascara might run from a touching keynote address (or because you were running on no sleep and rubbed your eyes, forgetting that you actually put on makeup that day). Or, maybe you’re just a sweaty mess from the long day and need a fresh coat of makeup for the after party. These wipes help make freshening up a cinch.

2. Deodorant

Speaking of perspiration, it’s never a bad idea to keep a travel-size deodorant with you at all times — especially if you’re reaching overhead to string up the lights.

3. A pair of flats

You might love how you confident you feel in those super sophisticated pumps, but it will only take your poor feet a couple of hours to feel horrible. No one will fault you for switching to the pair of cute but comfy flats that you were smart enough to bring along.

4. A Polaroid camera

It might seem old-fashioned, but sometimes you just want to be able to take a photo and watch it develop in real time – no filters! It can make for a great conversation starter, plus you can create an instant souvenir for yourself by posing with event performers or keynoters.

5. A portable phone charger

Even if you start the day with a full battery on your phone, you know that it will drain quickly as you answer texts, use your event app, and take photos throughout the day. Good thing you always remember to carry your portable phone charger so you can sneak a plug-in whenever you have a few spare minutes and a nearby outlet.

6. Floss

Because no one ever wants to discover a piece of spinach in their teeth late into the day and wonder just how many people noticed it and didn’t say anything. Not to mention that having a popcorn kernel or some other stray piece of food stuck in your molars can be irritating and distracting.

7. Flash drive

It’s always good to have a backup of your back-up if you are running the type of event that has multimedia presentations, or if you need to access important contracts or other documents. Having your files up in the cloud is great, but if the WiFi is spotty, you’ll be glad you brought your flash drive so everything is ready to load onto a laptop.

8. A laundry stain stick

Handheld foods and downing quick sips of energy drinks and coffee, plus the manic pace that you’re running through the event venue, make it inevitable. You or someone else will spill something on your clothes. A stain stick is the next best thing to actually bringing an extra outfit.

9. Hair ties

You might have good intentions about rocking that blowout, but by hour five of working the event floor, your mane is matted to your head, and you’d give anything to free your neck and expose it to some much-needed air. In fact, don’t just think of yourself – carry a few of these bad boys to score extra points with your long-haired teammates and vendors.

10. Over-the-counter meds

You never know when a headache, tummy ache, or allergy attack might strike you or a crucial member of your team. Keeping some basic over-the-counter remedies in your purse can help alleviate symptoms so you can all make it through the day.

11. Protein bars

Sure, you’ve got amazing food vendors at your event, but realistically, you might not have the time to stop for a lunch break. Having a protein bar or two when you’re running the show can keep your energy up and tide you over until the post-event celebrations.

12. Travel-sized sunscreen

If your event takes place outdoors, or you’ll be going in and out of the venue, you’ll be glad you had sunscreen on hand so you can reapply as needed.

Loading up your purse with these and whatever other unique event day essentials might apply to you (stevia packets and a mini bottle of hot sauce, anyone?) is not only a smart move, but it can help your event – and you – function smoothly.

One more item that should definitely be in your bag? This pre-event de-stress checklist.