People in the events industry are witnesses to a wide range of human behavior. From sponsors with unreasonable demands to attendees who are more high-maintenance than your star performers, every day is a new experience. After all, working in events is a like a crash course in keeping calm and carrying on!

Here are 11 life lessons that all events managers have had to learn the hard way.

Life lesson #1: Be prepared for rain, even when it’s sunny

You just never know what’s going to happen on event day. You can put the framework in place, make sure that you’ve got every detail just so, and prepare for the worst case scenario, but once attendees start arriving, the rest is about responding to what unfolds… including surprise weather. As a seasoned pro, though, you never lose your cool.

Life lesson #2: Sometimes, silence really is golden

There come moments in the course of planning an event where you run up against a client, sponsor, or attendees who aren’t afraid to share their strong opinions about your decisions, skills, or choices. Blessed with great interpersonal skills, though, you’re a pro at taking criticism and turning it around into constructive feedback.

Life lesson #3: Big journeys start with small steps

One of the reasons working in events is so stressful is because of all the moving pieces. Knowing where to start when you’re faced with a mountain of tasks can be overwhelming for most people. But not you. Your prioritization skills are boss level and you know how to break down a giant to-do list into a series of bite-sized line items and delegate them accordingly.

Life lesson #4: Actions speak louder than words

Whether it’s in your partnerships with sponsors or your promises to attendees, what you say and what you do must always line up. That’s why event creators are exceptionally good at knowing how much they can actually take on and deliver, both in business and in life.

Life lesson #5: You can’t please everybody

No matter how much thought and planning goes into an event, you simply can’t please everyone who attends. That’s why you’re able to receive feedback and reviews without getting upset. Criticism just helps you make your event better next year.

Life lesson #6: Time is precious, use it wisely

Time is the one thing all event creators can agree they’re short on. There never seems to be enough minutes in a day to get everything done, so you’re a master at using what you do have to best effect. You love technology and know how to use it to automate repetitive tasks, manage your social media marketing, and more.

Life lesson #7: Self-care first, everything else second

It’s really easy to get burned out as an event creator. Long hours and tight deadlines can take their toll on your nervous system. As a savvy event professional, though, you know the secret to career longevity is putting your needs first every day — even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Life lesson #8: Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming

Working in events comes with a lot of ups and downs. Things don’t work out, a vendor falls through, your keynote cancels the day before your event. Things happen. But because of your experience in the industry, you’re able to take it all in stride. That resilience helps you find a solution, so you (and your event) can focus on staying the course and swimming along.

Life lesson #9: Never stop learning

No matter how many events you plan, there’s always something new to learn about in events. It’s one of the reasons you love the profession! Technology and tools are often changing, as do attendee expectations. Events are exciting and you can’t imagine doing anything else.

Chances are good you already have a certification or two under your belt to help you stay on top of sponsorships and other industry trends. You never stop learning and love evolving your knowledge base as your event transforms to offer better experiences for attendees.

Life lesson #10: Laughter is the best medicine

Another stress-relieving tactic in your keep-calm-toolkit? Knowing how to laugh at life (at least, in the moments when it’s appropriate). Having a good perspective on things is one of the reasons why event creators thrive in stressful situations, especially when you have to double as a janitor and a fireman. Being able to laugh helps!

Life lesson #11: Always have a pre-event checklist

The days leading up to your event can be hectic. If you don’t have it all written down, something will slip through the cracks.

When you have a million loose ends to tie up, use The Event Organizer’s Pre-Event, De-Stress Checklist to stay on track.