As a twenty-something living and dating in San Francisco, I believe that SF is a fantastic city to experience in a relationship. But the question my single girlfriends always asks remains: where do I meet great men? While I believe that events are great for dates, I also think they’re a fantastic way to meet new people. It’s far easier to strike up a conversation when you’re gathered around a shared interest (wine, music, comedy, charity, etc). And let’s be honest- any mother would appreciate her daughter reporting on the great guy she met through a mutual friend or at a charity fundraiser, rather than while taking shots at a neighborhood bar. These are my top five types of events to check out when looking to meet quality people:
#5: Food, wine and beer tastings. At Pinot & Bubbles I overheard a group of men buzzing about the reason they bought tickets: they heard “attractive women go to these things.” At Napa vs Sonoma a couple approached the organizer to inform him they met at his previous event and wanted to say “thanks.” A coworker of mine went to Breastfest where she met a great guy she’s getting dinner with this week. Bottom line: cool people love meeting other cool people over a glass of vino or brew. Upcoming Pick: SF Chefs.
#4: Charity events. People passionate about a great cause tend to be good people. Philanthro Productions throws great events, or you can search the Eventbrite directory under “fundraisers” for a list of cause-related events in your city. Upcoming Pick: Black and Pink Ball kickoff.
#3: Seasonal events. Everything from New Years Eve to last week’s Bastille Day Party. If it’s a seasonal celebration you won’t want to miss the opportunity to celebrate with equally interested (and interesting) people. Upcoming Pick: Fleet Week.
#2: Endurance sports training. Make a connection while breaking a sweat. My previous post on why sports training programs spark romantic interest cited Team in Training (known by many as “Team in Dating), and Marathon Matt. Upcoming Pick: Halloween 13.1.
#1: Events organized by friends. You know those people in your social circle who love bringing people together? Be friends with them. I’ve always loved organizing opportunities for people to meet, to the point where I started to find myself wondering when someone would finally set me up (pay it forward, right?). I used to have a hobby of planning events for my single friends, filling everything from a yacht to a cable car with fun/social people, ensuring a quality crowd with even male to female ratio (key). Unfortunately I didn’t know about Eventbrite (this was the dark ages, Before E.B.) which would have saved me a lot of time. Upcoming Pick: Under 35 night @ The Orpheum.
Find yourself making a hobby out of “matchmaking”? Organize an event for friends to mix and mingle! Click here to get $20 toward it. And if you attended an event where you met someone particularly special send your story to and you might be featured in our weekly newsletter.