It’s very easy being green. You’ll be green with envy. There are many green jokes we could use to start this post on St. Patrick’s Day gatherings, but we’ve already written a few below, so we’ll spare you. Instead, we’ll just say that wherever you are today, there are excellent events happening. And not just Guinness guzzlings, either, though there are plenty of those. Here are just a few of the fun ways you can get out of the house tonight.

Boston: You don’t have to be a saint—if your name is Pat, that’s enough to get you a free appetizer at the Calling All Pats promotion, available at any Burtons Grill location on the big day. Thank your parents for their tremendous foresight as you chow down on some gratis goodies.

Minneapolis: The St. Paddy’s “Fun” Raiser is a Twin Cities gathering that capitalizes on the social occasion of the month in the noblest way—with a silent auction to raise funds for cancer prevention. (Even if you’re not in Minneapolis for the event, we strongly recommend reading the host’s moving personal story.) As with the best fundraisers, it’s the fun part that will be emphasized.

Washington D.C.: Another city, another worthy cause: The Shenanigans St. Patrick’s Parade/Run, in Washington D.C., asks attendees to get crazy in the name of Luke’s Wings, an org devoted to supporting wounded service members. So run, walk, stumble—as long as you are wearing something green and embarrassing. And remember to fill out that donation box before you hit the course.

Atlanta: St. Patrick’s Day. The color green. The two just go together. Of course, you can interpret “green” however you like, and this year the StartupChicks March Networking Event is one of several gatherings playing on the environmental meaning, featuring only locally grown produce.

New York: On St. Paddy’s, some people like to tip a beer at the neighborhood bar. And some people like to take the elevator to the top of the building. If sleek penthouse parties are more your speed than street-level spill-fests, do St. Patrick’s Day in Style in the heart of Manhattan.

Ottawa: You like your March 17 suds—you just want to remember what they tasted like. So leave the gulping to someone else. Tipplers in Canada’s capital city can savour this expert-led tasting session of Beau’s brews, starring the local beers and tasty food pairings.