One of our favorite things to do at Eventbrite is to attend events, observe the operations and lend a hand when we can. Over the past couple of years of doing this, we noticed that many times, organizers have half or more of their attendees buy their tickets on-site. The organizers have no way to track those sales, nor the attendees’ contact information, and several have been missing out on additional revenue by being unable to accept credit cards.
We dedicated ourselves to providing a solution that would allow our organizers to manage ALL of their event sales and data. We’re happy to announce our first version of that solution: At The Door.
At The Door was designed after observing not only our own event organizers, but also some of the biggest and most complex events and venues in the world. As always, we want to bring the most powerful tools to everyone, and make them easy for anyone to understand and use. After several months of testing with a wide variety of events, At The Door is now available for free download in the App Store, and can be used for any type or size of event, held at any location.
With our easy-to-use At The Door app, organizers can transform their iPad to process credit card and cash payments, and collect names and email addresses from their attendees for future marketing. They can sell tickets, merchandise, food and beverage, and more. Also, organizers can see all of their on-site sales alongside their online sales on for a more complete event sales report.
We built At The Door for the iPad based on the overwhelmingly-positive user experience the touch screen device provides. The iPad allowed for ticketing staff to spend more time interacting with attendees during the transaction, and allowed for a more delightful attendee experience.
The iPad solution also offers mobility. Eventbrite organizers often throw events in non-traditional venues, or in multiple venues, so we wanted to give them the ability to take their on-site sales tool wherever they go.
We’ve tested At The Door during the past few months, at events ranging from concerts to BBQ festivals; in locations from a pier in rural Oregon to a field in Washington, D.C.; selling everything from BBQ sauce to beer (empowering organizers to make more money using the credit card payment option). We’ve tweaked the app, incorporating user feedback until it has become what it is today; a tool for event organizers, built in collaboration with event organizers.
This is only the beginning. We want to provide a complete toolkit to manage events on-site. It will take time, but rest assured we’ll be listening to your feedback the whole way. We couldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for you, so thank you. Seriously, we love you guys.