We’re excited to announce a helpful new feature for reminding attendees about your events. Effective today (the feature is rolling out over the course of the day), we’ll automatically schedule a brief reminder email to be sent to your attendees 48 hours before an event. The email is brief, and includes the event’s name, time and date in large font, plus a map of the location. We think it will drive up your attendance rate while giving you one less task to remember. Here’s an example:
We also want to let you know that the feature is totally optional. You can easily turn it off if you don’t think it will help you. Just head to the “Email Attendees” section of your Manage page. The email will appear under the “Emails Scheduled” tab, and if you wish, you can delete it there (please note that once it is deleted you won’t be able to restore it). It show up like this:
As always, we’re happy to hear any feedback about this feature. Enjoy it!