We love telling you about all the diverse gatherings on Eventbrite. We’re really proud to feature events of so many shapes and sizes! To show you what we mean, we’ve put together a list of events happening in the Dallas/Fort Worth area—one a day, over the course of the next week. There’s a little bit of everything: benefits and networking opportunities, a bags tournament and a design workshop. It’s just a snapshot of the broad range of great events happening in one metro area over the course of a week!

Thursday 4/29 — Dallas
Cottage Blend Launch Party
Our week in Dallas kicks off with a cup of coffee—a special cup. Drop by the launch party for the very cool Cottage Blend, which will send proceeds from each bag sold to an organization supporting care for critically ill AIDS patients.

Friday 4/30 — Dallas
Art from the Heart Celebrity Art Auction and Benefit
Here’s a celebrity art auction with a twist: celebrities themselves made the art. The event benefits disadvantaged youth.

Saturday 5/1 — Arlington
Big Brothers Big Sisters Boards and Bags Tournament
Some call the game bags. Others call it cornhole. Everyone calls it fun. Get in on the Saturday afternoon action in Arlington (which supports Big Brothers and Big Sisters), and enjoy the chance to socialize with fellow throwers.

Sunday 5/2 — Desoto
The Court – Sacred Workout
The idea of a workout for mind, body and soul takes on added meaning at the Court, a unique exercise studio that scores its daily sessions with gospel and spiritual music.

Monday 5/3 — Dallas
AIGA DFW Presents Mirko Ilić
The DFW chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), which runs great design events across the country, plays host to the famed Bosnian-born designer and illustrator.

Tuesday 5/4 — Plano
Pop in Play Tuesdays
Sometimes the best event for a parent is an event for a child. These weekly events involve “bouncing, sliding, climbing and jumping.” Need we say more?

Wednesday 5/5 — Dallas
The Red, White, & Blue Biz Blitz & Event Planners’ Expo
This expo is a great chance to network for your business or service. And of course, we’re partial to any event that is about events!

Thursday 5/6 — Dallas
Social Media Club of Dallas Presents John Jantsch
Here’s a “must” for social media geeks. The author of Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine delivers a talk and signs copies of the book.