You may load up to 3,000 email addresses to be used to reach hidden tickets to your event.

Last week we launched access codes, a highly-anticipated feature that many of you have requested. This week, we’re following up with the option to set email addresses as that code.

You can now use the @ [at] and . [period] symbols within your discount and access code. If you have an email database or membership list, you can simply upload the emails in a file (we accept up to 3,000 codes at once) and set it as the code to apply discounts or access to tickets. As always, you can use letters, numbers, and – [dash] and _ [underscore] symbols in your codes.

Let us know what you think, and of any other options that would help make your lives easier with discount and access codes.

To learn more about creating promotion codes, check out our full tutorial.

Let us know your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter.

Hosting an event? Try out Eventbrite, and see how easy it can be to plan, promote, and collect payments for your event.