Whether you’re hosting an event series yourself or enlisting others to host events on your behalf, there’s one thing standing between you and world domination: the web.
Portraying a cohesive brand across all your events online is vital to your success. After all, 9 out of 10 people will gather information about your event online before deciding to purchase a ticket or register.
If your event’s brand is disjointed online, those visitors won’t become attendees. Here’s how to make sure that doesn’t happen.
A unified brand experience
When your series is spread across multiple, disconnected ticketing and registration pages, interested event-goers might miss out on an event they would have otherwise attended. And when others host events on your behalf, these pages can take on a life of their own with a look and feel that barely represents the brand you’ve worked so hard to create.
These disjointed experiences aren’t just hurting your brand either — they’re potentially costing you thousands of dollars.
A centralized landing page for your event series can solve these challenges and elevate your brand online. Here are three ways to showcase all the events associated with your brand or organization.
3 ways to show off your event series
How you decide to present your upcoming events to people online depends on two things:
- How many events are in your series
- Which stage of the decision-making process attendees are in (read this post to learn more about attendee decision making on the web)
So how do you know which presentation style is best for your event series? Here are three common methods to present an event series online — and how to know which to use for your business.
1. Lists
Lists are an easy way to display a series of upcoming events on your site. When there are only a handful of events to choose from, a list can help event-goers easily find one that’s relevant to their needs.
If your event series has a large number of available events at any given time, a list can be too cumbersome for web visitors. In this scenario you’d want allow potential attendees to filter based on relevant criteria — like location or date.
2. Carousels
Carousels are like a slideshow for your upcoming events. They encourage event-goers to use left and right arrows to browse through available events.
Carousels limit the number of events visible on the page — usually three or four. So consider the goal of your event site before choosing this option. If you want to show off a handpicked selection of events to sway curious buyers, a carousel works perfectly. But if attendees want to find the next available event in their area quickly, consider using a list instead.
For ongoing series, a carousel is a simple option to showcase your past events.
3. Maps
An interactive map can demonstrate the geographic scale of your event series. People on your site will get a sense of community as they navigate different regions and see others across the globe participating.
Avoid using maps as the sole method for showcasing your event series. If a visitor wants to quickly sign up for an upcoming event in their area, the number of steps they’ll take clicking and dragging the map until they find one in their location can be time consuming.
Connect online audiences to your event
When your event brand comes to life online, it helps attendees attendees understand the value of attending more easily. A centralized location for all your events will give attendees a consistent, branded experience that more accurately communicates the value of attending. To learn more ways best-in-class event creators use the web to their advantage, download How to Bring Your Event Brand to Life on the Web.