
Eventbrite Ads

How to Showcase Your Event Listings on Eventbrite

Growing your business means reaching more people — and not just any people. To expand your reach and sell more tickets, you need to reach more people who are already hungry for events. 

But with tight budgets and time constraints, you can’t gamble on outsourcing marketing. You need a tool designed for event creators that gets you more visibility (where it counts), targets event-goers, and helps you advertise with confidence.

Check all those boxes (and more) with Eventbrite Ads. These are ads that get your event to the top of the search results. With 83 million ticket buyers in 2021, that’s a lot of potential views. 

It’s simple: You set a budget and a schedule; we’ll show your ad to people within a 50-mile radius searching for similar events on Eventbrite. And with Eventbrite Ads, you’ll get 14x more exposure for your event. Sit back and relax while you take advantage of Eventbrite’s exclusive audience insights, and watch your ticket sales soar.

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Get more visibility where it counts

Go ahead — cut to the front of the line. Our algorithm automatically targets people looking for events in your area. Location targeting parameters are set automatically based on your event location. 

And with Eventbrite Ads, you can trust the people seeing your ad are actively on the prowl for events. For example, if you teach banjo lessons in Los Angeles, and someone in Pasadena searches Eventbrite for “banjo,” your event will be at the top of their search results. 

Create no-hassle ads that work

With 282 million tickets purchased, Eventbrite’s customers are ready to buy. Streamline your path to more ticket sales with Eventbrite Ads. It’s as simple as selecting your event listing, picking a budget, and setting a schedule. Your ad creative will automatically populate with your event image. Maximum marketing, minimal effort. 

We know the consumer experience is important to you — and likewise. Our Ads product is built with the consumer experience at the center, so we can preserve trust in your brand and event and our platform.

Advertise with confidence

With Eventbrite Ads’ campaign reporting, you can be confident that you know exactly where your budget’s going and how your ads are performing. You’ll have access to a dashboard to easily manage and filter your campaigns in various stages. You’ll be able to visually see impressions, clicks, conversion, and return on spend over time.

Eventbrite drives one-quarter of all tickets sold for our creators (and up to 50% in certain markets and categories). With our exclusive data, Eventbrite Ads can help you drive more demand more efficiently than other ad tools. Driven by automation and simplicity, Eventbrite Ads sets a new status quo for online advertising.

Get started with Eventbrite Ads