Unlocking the Power of Human Connection
Huge opportunities await event organizers who create experiences that help guests to connect effectively and authentically.
Achieving success in this new era of event creation requires a deep understanding of changing guest needs and increased intentionality in event design.
It requires shifting your perspective from seeing the experiential aspect of what you create not as the end in itself, but as the means to a greater end – human connection.
Here, author Peter Mandeno (PhD), combines years of global event-design experience with the latest academic design-research, and insights from a diverse mix of event organizers and strategists to break down the power of human connectivity, and outline how you can make the most of it.
- Prioritizing human connectivity as a core objective of event design.
- How to be clear about your connectivity-related objectives – starting with those of your guests and ensuring they align with your own.
- How to be wary of biases and assumptions to help your diverse attendees find commonalities despite their differences.
- Your unique and distinct roles in the context of your event, and how you might include or delegate certain roles to others to amplify your efforts.
- How an intentionally designed experience can help your attendees get over their apprehension and connect naturally.
- Using technology as a means to enhance, not replace, human connections.
- Using content as a stimulant, not a safety net.
- Helping your participants connect to others by giving them something worth sharing.
- How to think in terms of journeys, not moments.
- How to win the long game, by focusing on quality.
About the author:
Peter Mandeno (PhD) is a sought-after expert on the science of human connectivity. Building on existing knowledge that connections to others are critical in all areas of our personal and professional lives, Peter’s work reveals why people find it so hard to connect in today’s world and he applies his practical tools to improve outcomes, by design.
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